Open players invited to next round of trials

15 Jan 2018 @ 18:00 GMT

Following trials earlier in the month, the Scottish Touch Open coaches have selected a group of players to attend the next round of trials in February.

Congratulations, if your name appears below you have been invited by the Open Team Coaches to attend the next stage of the trials for the 2018 European Touch Championships.

If you trialled and your name is not on this list, commiserations.  If you would like further feedback please email Mikey Short – 

The next session is taking place on the weekend of 17th/18th February and will run from approximately 9am-4pm each day in the Edinburgh area.  

Successful trialists will be sent further details of the trial and a mandatory details form shortly.  If you are unable to attend the trial, you will be able to confirm this via that form.



Aaron Douglas 

Alex Watson

Adam Brown

Alexandra Ward

Alan Clephane 

Amy Martin

Alastair Gossip

Becky Boyd

Alex Ahl 

Bryony Nelson

Alex Ramsay

Carmen Cree

Blair Fletcher

Carolyn Bryce

Callum Smith

Christy Tulloch

Calum Anderson

Clare Hill

Calum Sreenan

Emma Baker

Cameron Hart

Emma Dearden

Cameron Livingstone

Emma Robson

Cameron Symes

Fiona Craig

Charlie Brett

Gabi Adams

Charlie Kidd

Grace Burton

Chris Murchison

Hannah Chrisp

Chris Ragg

Hannah Smith

Colin Anderson

Jenn Wright

Daniel Fitzgerald

Katy Green

Findlay Smith

Kirsty Venter

Finlay Broomfield

Leia Glading

Finlay Lockhart

Licy Green

Finlay Sim

Lucy Witherspoon

James Pinkerton

Olivia Harris

James Tweedie

Rebecca Clingan

Kaharau Kaihe

Roisin Bolt

Kenny Morton

Senga Derrick

Lewis Burns

Shona Campbell

Marshall Macleod

Stephanie Tulloch

Max Hadoke

Suzanne Brownie

Mikey Short

Tiggi Armstrong

Peter Walker

Robin Johnson

Rory McAusland

Ross Taylor

Rowan Chillingworth

Sam Robertson

Scott Robeson

Steve Coxhill

Stuart Gibson